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Show Racism the Red Card

 East Fife Football Club are proudly continuing their support for the education charity, Show Racism the Red Card throughout the upcoming Fortnight of Action. Our club have supported the charity’s messages of tolerance and inclusion within football for many years. Now more than ever, the importance of this fortnight cannot be overstated.

All professional clubs in Scotland will show their support over one weekend – Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October. Clubs will be united in calling for an end to racial discrimination and inequality throughout society.

Show Racism the Red Card work all year round with schools, workplaces, grassroots and youth football clubs and the prison service to educate young people and adults on challenging prejudice and stereotypes, using the power of football as a positive way to instigate conversation on anti-racism.

Covid-19 and events overseas have shone a light on the growing inequalities that some of us unfairly face. Still today, many experience this disproportionately due to the colour of their skin.

Last year in Scotland, 81% of young people felt more confident in identifying and safely challenging racism after working directly with Show Racism the Red Card.

In addition to raising awareness of the charity’s work in Scotland, the Fortnight of Action from 10th – 25th October 2020 shows commitment at the highest level of Scottish football in eradicating racism and discrimination in all its forms from our game.

We call on our supporters to continue to challenge racism. It is the responsibility of us all to ensure that the anti-racism message is carried out beyond the Fortnight of Action.

Club Captain Kevin Smith: “Everyone at East Fife is proud to be supporting this year’s Show Racism the Red Card’s campaign. There is no place for racism, or discrimination of any kind, within football or the wider society. We are committed to promoting football as a sport for all, regardless of their background and I encourage everyone to unite behind the efforts to Show Racism the Red Card.”

East Fife Football Club stands with everyone who has had to endure racial prejudice in all areas of their lives. We condemn all forms of racism and any racist behaviour will not be tolerated at our club.

Football is a sport that is loved by people across the world and football matches should be an enjoyable experience for all, whatever your background. Education is the key and East Fife Football Club will support Show Racism the Red Card to ensure our future generation are equipped with the tools to challenge and eradicate racism from football and society.

For useful resources and information, please:


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SRtRC 2020

On Saturday, we welcome Montrose to the Locality Hub Bayview Stadium for our first home league match of the season.

Unfortunately, due to current government and Scottish Football guidelines this match is being played behind closed doors with strictly no spectators permitted.

You can, however, watch the match live on East Fife TV from the comfort of your own home. The match is included in the Virtual Element of your season ticket and pay-per-view is available for £12.50.

East Fife TV’s coverage will begin at 2.30pm with regular host Liam Anderson being joined by former player Greig McDonald for pre-match build-up before passing over to regular commentators Daniel Hughes and Stephen Mill for the match.

To sign-up visit


Scottish Professional Football League - Wikipedia

News release

Thursday, 15 October 2020

SPFL chief urges supporters to act responsibly this weekend

Interim Chief Medical Officer Backs Calls to Avoid Household Gatherings

The SPFL’s chief executive Neil Doncaster today called on Scottish football supporters to observe all relevant physical distancing guidelines when watching in the biggest weekend of the SPFL season so far.

As Rangers and Celtic prepare for the first Old Firm derby of the 2020/21 season and the Championship, League One and League Two return to action, Doncaster has warned of the significant potential health risks if supporters gather in groups at home or travel south of the border to watch the weekend’s matches.

Doncaster said: “A huge amount of hard work has gone into ensuring a safe return to competitive action for Scottish football and we are all desperate for fans to get back into stadia as soon as possible.

“The overwhelming majority of clubs, players and supporters have been impeccable, consistently conducting themselves safely and responsibly. Clubs have gone above and beyond to make stadia and training grounds safe for their players and staff and it is only as a result of this combined, massive effort that we have made such positive progress.

“However, in recent weeks, we have seen how quickly the virus can re-emerge, highlighting the need for continued vigilance from fans as we look forward to the first Old Firm game of the season, as well as the long-awaited return of Championship, League One and League Two matches.

“Given the very clear evidence that household mixing brings the highest risk of spreading the infection, we are urging supporters not to congregate in houses to watch matches. They put themselves and their loved ones at significantly increased risk.

“Fans should also be aware that travelling from the Central Belt health board areas covered by current additional measures – Great Glasgow & Clyde, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley, Lothian and Ayrshire & Arran – to other areas in Scotland to watch games in licensed premises is a clear breach of the guidelines.

“Likewise, we echo the message from police forces in England that attempting to circumvent Scottish rules by travelling south of the border to watch matches in pubs would be completely irresponsible and could result in significant fines.

“With such a high-profile round of fixtures ahead, the eyes of the world will be on Scottish football, offering a fantastic opportunity to showcase what makes our game so compelling and exciting.

“However, it’s now more important than ever that all supporters continue to stick rigidly to the latest Government guidance, as well as any specific local restrictions that are in place.”

Scotland’s Interim Chief Medical Officer, Dr Gregor Smith, echoed these messages ahead of this weekend. He said: “We know it has been really hard for supporters to not be able to attend matches or meet in each other’s homes, but we also know the highest risk places for transmission are where people gather together.

“Once the virus gets into your house, it’s most likely it will infect others in your home, which is why it’s vital we all protect each other by continuing to follow physical distancing guidance and avoid non-essential travel this weekend.

“I want to thank everyone who has been following the guidance, and the SPFL for their support. The less chance we give this virus to spread through our communities, the faster we can contain it and start to ease restrictions, allowing the quicker return of supporters to stadiums.”

Leisure Leagues are bringing new 6-a-side league to the Locality Hub Bayview Stadium on Sunday 8th November.

The league will run from 6.30pm till 8.30pm and teams will be able to battle it out for relegation and promotion across multiple divisions.

Visit the Leisure Leagues website for more info.

East Fife can today announce that Kyle Bell has joined Lowland League side Bo’ness United on loan until January.

Kyle has featured on 22 occasions after joining the club in July 2018 but unfortunately missed the whole of last season due to a knee injury picked up in pre-season.

Darren Young: “With Kyle missing last season through injury we felt it was important for him to get a number of games under his belt early this season and I'm sure he will have a successful spell with Bo'ness”.

All the best Kyle!


BELL LOAN - Twitter Graphic.jpg