MPH GROU    Pinpoint    Arnold Clark  

We're looking for talented and enthusiastic individuals to join our media team and help spread the word about East Fife.

The media team at East Fife are responsible for advertising and generating revenue for the club in a variety of ways from promoting matches to filming and producing match highlights to contributing to, or compiling, our matchday programme The Bayview.

 Some of the specific roles we're looking to fill are:

Assistant Producer for East Fife TV: Helping to deliver our live stream to viewers worldwide.

Website Editor/Contributors: Compiling content and updating/editing our club website with the latest East Fife news.

Programme Contributors: Writing articles and producing content for our matchday programme, The Bayview.

These are just some of the roles we're looking to fill however we love to hear from anyone who would like to get involved with any aspect of the media team.

Like many clubs at this level, all media team positions are voluntary, but we do provide support and opportunities for you to grow your skills and build a portfolio. Both current and previous members of our media team have gone on to bigger and better things after taking their first steps with the club and we're excited to bring the next generation on board.

Please get in touch via email if you'd like to get involved highlighting your skills and motivation for the roles: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.